Foodstuffs-This category contains the full range of edibles, including the enchanted form of the golden apple, the rarest edible in the game.Search Items-This category isn’t for items, per se, but instead allows you to quickly locate particular items by using free-text search.You’ll find the buckets quite handy for setting up new water and lava sources, and you can use the eggs to spawn most of the mobs, populate a farm, and more. Miscellaneous-Miscellaneous contains a range of useful and obscure items.There are enough options there to enable you to build everything from massive transportation systems to incredible roller coasters. It includes powered and unpowered rails, minecarts, a saddle, a boat, and anything else related to moving yourself and other items around. Transportation-Transportation is a small category but one that’s a lot of fun and very useful.See Chapter 9, “Redstone, Rails, and More,” for more information. Redstone is also used to craft powered rail tracks and a range of other useful items, such as a compass and clock. The limits are set only by your imagination. You can use it to build powered circuits-quite complex ones-and then activate pistons to automatically harvest a farm plot, set up traps, open and close doors, and much much more. Redstone-Redstone is an almost magical resource.Some of them are just visual, such as carpet, whereas others-such as crafting tables, chests, and the bed that keeps you safe at night-provide vital functions. Generally, they are things you can use to make your constructions more interesting. Decoration Blocks-Decoration blocks are something of a catchall category.Building blocks are punny enough-the building blocks of creativity. You can store many items more efficiently (for example, by converting nine gold ingots into a single gold block) and climb more efficiently by crafting stairs instead of jumping up and down blocks on well-traveled routes. Minecraft provides a large number of primary blocks-such as cobblestone, gravel, wood, and dirt-that can be harvested directly, but things definitely become more interesting once you start creating secondary types of blocks from primary materials. Build a skyscraper or reconstruct a monument. Elevate a farm above a level that won’t get trampled by mobs or put up a fence. Building Blocks-Building blocks are used, as you might expect, for construction, including housing and almost anything else.Here’s a quick summary of the different resource categories: Type /gamemode creative (or /gamemode 1) and /gamemode survival ( /gamemode 0) to move between the main types. Turn on cheats when you start a new world to quickly jump between different gameplay modes.